In the first part of this two-part blog article, we shared the dos of hair colouring that you should know. In this second part of the article, we’ll show you the don’ts of hair colouring and give you pointers on things you should avoid before, during and after hair colouring. So let’s start with the first part: hair colouring preparation:
Hair colour preparation don’ts
1. Reduce the heat
Curling irons, flat irons, and hair dryers are among the most popular heated styling tools, but they can cause damage if not used properly. Even using them on a regular basis can cause hair to become dry and brittle. Before you embark on your exciting color adventure, it may be a good idea to reduce your use of hot tools and give your hair a break. This could be a good time to experiment with heat-free styling techniques and think outside the box.
2. Don't use dye on frayed ends
It's never a good idea to leave split and fried ends, but it's especially bad when it comes to colouring. Getting rid of dead, dry ends will help your hair repair itself and can help with overall hair health and growth. Cleaning up damaged ends is a helpful step in preparing for whatever colours you have in mind for the beautiful new you, even if you are only getting highlights or touching up some grey.
Hair colouring don’ts
1. Resist the urge to do complex colouring projects without getting pro help
It's tempting to dash to the nearest beauty supply store and buy boxes of hair dye the moment the thought occurs to you. A DIY dye kit may suffice for extremely simple colour projects. Even those, however, can be messy, uneven, and fade quickly. Using professional skills allows you to take advantage of professional products and equipment, avoids damaging your belongings with chemicals and colours, and avoids accidentally damaging your hair.
2. Don’t rush it!
Hair colouring is a thorough procedure. Some styles take longer to complete than others, and a lot depends on the hair you start with. The length of the process is determined by your natural colour, texture, cut, and previous colouring history. In most cases, plan on a few hours of time, and avoid scheduling your appointment on an already busy day if at all possible.
3. Always heed professional advice
There is a distinct difference between taking advice or suggestions and being bullied into a look you didn't want by a hair stylist. If your hairstylist recommends something you like, go for it! If they have a concern, talk about it with them and let them offer you an alternative. However, there is no shame in going home and thinking about it before agreeing to any changes to the original plan.
Hair after-care don’ts
1. Don’t wash your hair in very hot water
Hot water not only damages follicles, but it is also more effective at fading and washing out dyes. Washing with warm water rather than hot water will help you cleanse without causing damage. After conditioning, rinsing with cold water can help seal in moisture.
2. Avoid products with sulphates
Sulfates are abrasive detergent ingredients found in many popular shampoos. It works as an astringent to remove dirt and excess oils, but it can also be harsh and damaging to your lovely new look. If you're having trouble finding a shampoo that won't ruin your favourite hairstyle, ask your hair colorist or hairstylist for product recommendations.
With just a change of hair colour, your new image can be as shocking or as subtle as you want. Following these guidelines will assist you in achieving and maintaining your desired hair colour. Remember, your new hair needs to be maintained and treated regularly to look its best. It is true that nothing substitutes for healthy hair, so it’s best to start there. For more info on hair colouring and the colours that suit your personal colouring and hair type best, get in touch with us here!